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2021/3/5 20:46:26发布143次查看
主营产品:schneider ,foxboro,ovatin,allen-bradley,siemens等各类工控产品,
cutler-hammer d500cpu20 module 224 i/o with d500dm32a24a programmable controller
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cutler hammer d500-dm32a24r nspp d500dm32a24r
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cutler hammer d500-aim800 uspp d500aim800
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custom build your rugged handheld data collector pda at570
custom build your rugged handheld data collector pda at570
cti 2531 for siemens ti 505 series 32 pt. form a relay module 2531 r1
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crestron pro2 professional dual bus control system 1200 off retail price
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crestron pro2 dual bus processor
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crestron pro2 control processor with c2-enet1 and 64mb dram. core3 ui supported
crestron pro 2 professional dual bus control system/ 1300 under retail
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crestron mp2e integrated av control system with ethernet  
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crestron av2 processor dual bus 2 series control system pro2 rack2 cp2e
crestron av2 dual bus processor
crestron av2 dual bus controller
crestron av2 dual bus control system home automation a
crestron av2 dual bus control processor home automation
crestron av2 dual bus control lightly  no card 
crest audio ckv800 amplifier
cray-3 supercomputer modules proto-types this is part of the production
而今正在使用的 " 空军一号 ",以及在波音 -747-8 飞机基础上改装的未来 " 空中一号 " 都要比普京专机更大也更快。但是比起 " 空军一号 " 的霸气十足来,普京的专机则被外媒称为 " 奢华典雅 "。
据称,普京专机内部设计灵感源于俄罗斯艺术。据专机空乘人员介绍,机上有特意为总统规划的活动和工作区,还有休息区、豪华浴室、淋浴间。真皮沙发、桌子、椅子全都镶有金边,卧室有特大号双人大床,还有一条又长又宽的走道,让 " 好动 " 的普京活动筋骨,此外,飞机上还有健身房。


中国 厦门


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